Check Lists
Pre form fill
Client Checklist
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Email address
If not traveling with the owner:
- Full name of person travelling with pet(s)
- Name of the pet transport company if applicable
- A letter from the owner authorising the person or carrier to transport their pet(s)
- Evidence that the owner will be reunited with your pet(s) within 5 days of traveling eg. proof of plane tickets
- Point of entry into the EU
- Date of entry into the EU
- Any plans to go outside the EU?
- Does the airline require a “Fit to Fly” certificate?
- If there are any transit stops, contact the airline to find out where the paperwork is being checked -in transit or at the final destination?
- species
- sex
- colour
- breed
- date of birth
- Rabies vaccination card with microchip visible AND/OR a previously issued UK or EU pet passport with a valid rabies vaccination recorded
- Speak to your vet if aren't sure what documents to bring
Post form fill
AHC checklist
- I.2. Certificate number assigned and marked off on control sheet
- I.4. APHA
- I.1. Consignor details
- I.5. Consignee details
- I.18. Pet dog/cat/ferret
- I.20. Number of pets
- I.25. Commodity Checkbox is crossed
- I.28 Pet ID (matches supporting evidence)
- II.1. Leave first paragraph then cross outs as appropriate: owner/ agent/ carrier
- II.2. Leave paragraph <5 animals; cross out next 3 paragraphs
- II.3. Cross out 4 paragraphs; Leave paragraph >12w old
- II.3.1. Leave first paragraph that says animals come from a third country listed Annex II then cross out the next one that refers to transit outside of Annex II
- II. Table: Vaccination info filled in
- Date of microchip reading on or before rabies vaccination date
- Vaccination details match supporting evidence
- Tapeworm paragraph cross out +- treatment signed and stamped as applicable
- OV info - stamp and sign
- Person travelling with pets has filled in and signed declaration
- Written declaration crossed out in 4 places to indicate who is travelling with pet
- Table contains microchip numbers and certificate number
- Supporting evidence animal ID and rabies vacc for EACH pet;
- Top of page: CERTIFIED COPY, Certificate number, date, signature, stamp
- Certificate reference number
- Page number
- Signature
- Stamp
- Every alteration (apart from empty boxes) is stamped and initialed
- Copy filed for records with certified copies of supporting evidence eg. pedigree, letter of authorisation
- Give the original to the owner
If you are not sure about any aspect of completing an AHC please contact:
APHA: [email protected]
Notes for Guidance for AHC’s
Sample AHC available on the Improve International OV course for Companion Animals Module 5: Export from GB to EU
Click here to download the checklist.