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NFG update for AHCs


Notes For Guidance Update for Animal Health Certificates: Rabies vaccinations

Having read through both side by side I have found one paragraph change referring to the validity of the rabies vaccination:

“The period of validity of the vaccine starts from the establishment of protective immunity, in accordance with the manufacturer instructions. This should be at least 21 days following completion of the vaccination protocol required by the manufacturer for the primary vaccination. Please note, if the manufacturer states the protective immunity is demonstrated after 21 days then the animal must be certified after the onset of protective immunity established by the manufacturer. “

This change states that we need to use the manufacturer datasheet to determine the start date of the validity and recognises that it may be more than 21 days post vaccination. Although some vaccines state the onset of immunity can be as early as 14 days post vaccination we should use 21 days as a minimum for the purposes of issuing AHCs.

Not all vets that administer rabies vaccines are OVs so ensure there is a clear protocol at your practice. It is important to check the datasheet of the vaccine that you use in your practice to ensure that validity dates are consistent with the license.

Rabies Vaccination Protocol: 
  1. Scan microchip and record the number in your notes
  2. Minimum age of vaccination is : 
  3. Vaccine is valid from:
  4. Duration of immunity post primary vaccination:
  5. Duration of immunity post booster vaccination:
  6. Do not give on the same day as KC, L4, FeLV!